
Jesus calls us to be the church and each church member to work the ministry in love, serving each other as they serve the community’s needs and worship together.

Every day we have an opportunity to have a church service, maybe not the pew, sitting-in-rows-kind-of church, but the kind of church that gets us authentic with people. The type of church that makes us friends for life, and through the raw truth that each member contributes and with the power of the holy spirit, the bonds of God's kingdom are born.

A church is meant for fellowship and accountability; with those two bible-based principles, we will grow in our faith. Isaiah's Rock has attracted and developed disciples of many skills; apostleship, evangelism, teaching, pastoring, and prophecy. Every day, we are being used by God to do incredible kingdom work. Whether you are just passing through or are here to stay for a while, we would love for you to be a part of our family for church and worship Jesus together.